Wormeze Canine & Feline Liquid 8oz

Wormeze Canine & Feline Liquid 8oz
List Price: $12.99
Sale Price: $7.75
Code: wormeze3
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Product Info

WormEze Canine & Feline Liquid for use in food or drinking water for the removal of large roundworms (ascarids) (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina).


PIPERAZINE CITRATE - 5.25 grams per 100mL


Administer one full teaspoonful (5 mL) per 5 lbs of body weight. Apply into mouth or mix into food or water. Administer to cats and dogs 6 weeks or older. Repeat treatment in 10 days after first treatment.